3 ways career centers increase member engagement.

Are your association members passing by your website more often than you’d like? Maybe your last onsite networking event didn’t have many attendees. Or, are you looking to increase the number of people taking your online courses? Your career center can help you.

Here are three ways to use your career center to increase member engagement.

Unlock online resources.
Your career center resources for members and non-members hold value. They provide educational assets, resume reviews and networking tips, as well as a place where your association links back to different areas on your homepage.

To increase member engagement, it’s important to market courses and certification training you offer, as well as promote events, publications and trade shows. These valuable resources help drive value and generate both member and non-member engagement.

Roll out digital advertisements.
A proven method to keep users going between your career center and your association homepage is through banner ads. This can be sold to employers to help drive revenue, and it’s an area where you can promote upcoming events or trade shows.

Share career center homepage features.
Use your career center to share links to your online learning, member benefits page and other vital areas of your website. This way you increase the traffic from your career center back to your website, thereby, increasing member engagement with your association. You can also add to your homepage a Featured Jobs Widget, which drives traffic back to your career center.

Happily-employed members are more likely to take additional training to further their career, improve their skills and meet others in the field. Someone who finds a job through your career center, but wasn’t a previous member, is likely to see the value you offer and want to become a member. Both scenarios start by you offering jobs on your website homepage and subpages through a Featured Jobs Widget or feed.

Talk with your career center support team and ask them to provide this feed. If you use a career center powered by YourMembership, email YMPartnerReps@yourmembership.com for help in any of the three areas we mentioned.

Engaging members is a challenge every association faces. When you have a career center, you have another way for you to engage them and ensure they understand the benefits of your association membership. Start today using these tips and help your members have a more rewarding professional life.

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