3 tips in convincing your board it’s time for a new website

Within seconds visitors will decide to explore or abandon your website. Your organization’s website needs to be a vehicle to help you convert prospects into members and keep your existing members happy. While you and your team might be ready to update your website, you first need board approval.   Consider these three tips to convince your board it’s time for a new website.

1. Recruit a few supporters

Before you make the ask to the entire board, it helps to have a few supporters in your corner already. Introduce the idea of a new website to individual board members first. If more than one person recommends the investment of a new website, the rest of your board will be more likely to be convinced. Especially, since the recommendation will be from a peer that they know and trust.

BONUS: Recruiting board members ahead of the meeting will prepare you for any questions the other board members might have. You will know ahead of time specific of information and questions to include in your pitch to the board.

2. Make the pitch

The main event of convincing your board will be your pitch. You’ll want to make sure it’s persuasive. Your board members joined the board to help your organization further your mission, and if this is a step they need to take, they will. The case just needs to be compelling.

Make sure to include the following in your pitch:

  • Explain the problem with the current website
  • Highlight the benefits and ROI of a new website
  • Outline the costs and timeline of a new site
  • Show examples of what your new website could look like.

Recruiting board members ahead of the meeting will prepare you for any questions the other board members might have.

BONUS: Need help with putting together your presentation? Ask your vendor of choice for help. Your AMS vendor should be able to provide you with web best practices and examples of what your new site can look like. Learn how to convince your board its time for new membership management software with this free template.

3. Anticipate questions

You’re asking your board for funding, so your board will have questions. And, they’re going to want the answers. You invested time in recruiting advocates and developing a persuasive pitch, now it’s time to think like a board member. If you were a board member, what questions would you have after listening to your presentation? What questions did your recruited supporters ask? The more prepared you are with data, the more likely you will gain approval.

BONUS: Think you might get some questions about the importance of design elements? Learn more about the why a user-centric website can help your attract and engage members withthis design checklist.

You’re asking your board for funding, so your board will have questions. And, they’re going to want the answers.

Making a pitch for a financial investment to the board can seem overwhelming but the payoff is worth it when you have a modern website that attracts and engages members. It’s also important to remember that your board has your back. Like you, they want to see the organization succeed and thrive. If you’ve done your research and you’re prepared, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t gain board approval for a new website.

Ready to learn more about gaining your board approval for your new website? Download the ebook Gaining Board Approval for a New Website.

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