
Gaining Board Approval for a New Website

How to convince your board it’s time to make a change and upgrade your association’s current website.

whitepaper thumb board approval for new website

Ninety-four percent (!) of people cite web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website. An outdated and poorly structured site can cause your prospective members to leave it, even before you have a chance to show them the value of your organization. Your organization’s website needs to be a vehicle to help you convert prospects into members and keep your existing members happy.

You may know that you need a new website, but convincing your board is another story. Using the right strategies to frame and plan your conversations with your board to best help them understand the value of a new website will help you be successful in swaying them. Speak to them in their language and make arguments that will resonate using these tips.

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how to:

  • Explain the problem
  • Highlight the ROI
  • Visualize the future
  • Show the numbers
  • Bonus step: present tips

Let’s get started.



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