On-demand webinar
Fundamentals of virtual networking in 2021 (and beyond)

Members who are interacting with their organization more than ever before place greater emphasis on online networking. According to the 2020 Momentive Software Disruption to Opportunity Study, members place increasing value on other virtual ways to connect year-round. ​

How do you connect members virtually?​

Join YourMembership for a live webinar to discover how to provide valuable online networking for your members using an online community.​

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Members importance of virtual networking from the Momentive Software Association Trends 2020 research study​
  • How to develop and what to include in your virtual networking plan​
  • Top strategies to promote member connections and networking within an online community

Webinar Presenter:

Michelle Schweitz
Membership Expert
Momentive Software

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