Why small associations should re-think their member retention strategy

Does your small association emphasize member retention as much as it should? The recent Community Brands benchmark study on associations with small staffs suggests it may not.

Your association likely has some type of membership renewal program to support retention goals. Most member-based organizations do. But, in a recent benchmark study of small associations, Community Brands uncovered a few noteworthy points about member retention:

  • Over the past year, the number of members and revenue are up for most small associations, but retention is more of a mixed bag.
  • Small associations are more optimistic about new member acquisition and revenue in the coming year than they are about retention.
  • While small associations do list member retention as an important or top priority this year, it is a lower priority than member acquisition.

Member retention is clearly an important area of opportunity for small-staff associations. It’s arguably as important, if not more important, than acquiring new members – especially when you consider that it can cost five times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one.

Here are two things you can do today to re-think your member retention strategy:


In need of more member retention tips? Check out these blogs:

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